New information is periodically added to this web site. In an effort to prevent your having to surf the whole site to check for new material, I will list below any substantial additions, updates, or changes to this web site. I have lots of historical foos-information as well as procedural information that I plan to include in due time. Please excuse the mess I may make from time to time during my improvement efforts.
Please keep in mind, this project is not my field of expertise, this site is not meant to be anything fancy--just a source of information. Just so you'll know, I'm an industrial electrician by trade. I also have about 20 years martial arts experience-- I operated a Karate studio for several years.
While your comments and sugestions are welcome, in fact, encouraged, don't piss me off!
I'll kick your a_ _! :-)
- 1-1-08
- Due to priority family reasons, I will be taking a "time-out" with respect to my foosball promotional efforts and my competition involvement for a undetermined period of time. My best wishes to everyone while I'm away and hopefully I'll return one day to continue promoting and playing foosball again. Meanwhile, certain information usually highlighted at this Southern Foosball Program site might become somewhat unattended. I'll try and leave the site up for as long as I can afford it for those interested in visiting for it's history content.
Sorry, ...Rodney Jenkins
- 9-1-07
- The 20th annual Alabama State Championships of foosball is scheduled for the weekend of November 2nd - 4th 2007. All are invited to participate in the competition for another chance at a niche in our Alabama foosball history. The titles up for grab this year include: the always competitive open doubles(main event) and open singles, along with the under-pro doubles and singles events. We expect players from many areas of the state, as well as, a few from surrounding states to be in town for these and other specialty events to be featured during the weekend. The tournament value will exceed $2,500 this year and will provide for a weekend of foos-fun for all who participate. Please note: Alabama State participating players will be required to support the tournament by entering the "main event(open doubles)" before becoming eligible for most of the events of the tournament.
For those eligible, "Ala-Amateur only!" events will be featured which will award 1st place trophies to winners of a singles, doubles, and a draw-for-partner events. Entry to the Ala-Amateur events will be $10 per event and will be restricted to only those players deemed locally active and who are listed in the Program's class ratings at BEGinner,D-class,C-class,and B-class. A special package deal entry fee will be offered for the Ala-Amateur players-- $60 will cover the required entry to the main event, open doubles, the under-pro doubles, and the three Ala-Amateur events; however, pre-registration is required in order to get this special price. Ala-Amateur events will be played at 7pm on each night of the tournament beginning with singles on Friday night--don't be late!
Good luck, and I hope to see everyone at Alabama State 2007.
Additional tournament information is at: AL.State 07 ...Rodney
- 12-17-06
- Rodney - We've finally got foosball back in Mobile. We just got started this past Thursday night. If you know any foosers headed this way, please pass the word. Thanks!
The Whiskey, located at 4130-B Government Blvd., Mobile, Alabama. Tournaments on Thursday nights starting at 8pm--please be early. ...Jay
For more information contact:
- 12-3-06
- The 19th annual Alabama State Championships of foosball is scheduled for the last weekend of this year December 29th - 31st. All are invited to participate in the competition for another chance at a niche in our Alabama foosball history. The titles up for grab this year include: the always competitive open doubles(main event) and open singles, along with the under-pro doubles and singles events. We expect players from many areas of the state, as well as, a few from surrounding states to be in town for these and other specialty events to be featured during the weekend. The tournament value will exceed $2,000 this year and will provide for a weekend of foos-fun for all who participate. Please note: Alabama State participating players will be required to support the tournament by entering the "main event(open doubles)" before becoming eligible for other events.
Good luck, and I hope to see everyone at Alabama State 2006. Merry Christmas.
Additional tournament information is at: AL.State 06 ...Rodney
- 9-15-06
- This 2006 Mississippi State Championships is scheduled for the weekend of October 27-29th in Jackson. The tournament is a planned value of $6,000 and will be presented and coordinated by Donald Wilson at "This Is It Bar & Grill". For additional information, see the tournament flyer at:
- 6-15-06
- There's a new tournament effort in the works for the Atlanta weekly foos scene. Chris Folsom has announced plans to coordinate tournaments at The Pool Room in Marietta, Georgia located at 1355 Roswell Road/Suite 210. The location has 4 new Tornado tables and is ideally set up for the action. Chris plans on kicking it off with a special tournament scheduled for Saturday June 24th with open singles at 2pm and open doubles at 7:30pm. Contact Chris Folsom for the details 404-819-7946. The location phone number is: (770) 579-3388.
- 4-13-06
- Just a reminder that the $25,000 Texas State Championships of Foosball 2006 are right around the corner. They will be held on Memorial Day Weekend, Friday May 26th through Sunday May 28th, at the Clarion Hotel South DFW Airport. For those that attended last year, it is the same hotel it has just been sold by Holiday Inn. Rooms are filling up fast, you can get reservations at 972-399-1010 and make sure to ask for the "Foosball Rate" of $61 for quad occupancy. The flyer is available on my website at and has all the specific details. One thing to remember when looking at the flyer is that with a good turnout the payout will increase. We've increased the payouts over the advertised amounts for 7 straight years. Over 50 new Tables with lights over each table and "Inside Foos Productions" will have cameras set up to capture all the action on video. Hotel features free breakfast buffet for guests, not a contintental breakfast, but a full buffet(New). And for all the Rookie and Semi-Pro players, there are no restrictions to which events you can play. You'll be able to face off against some of the legends of this game in both Open Doubles and Singles.
For those that made it last year, we look forward to seeing you again. If you didn't make it last year, don't miss out again on what has become the premier regional event and the 3rd largest field of any tournament in the US. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me, my email is
Thanks, ... David Radack
- 11-1-05
I have a few short-sleeve "T-Shirts" available for those interested.
Black only! $12ea. ...Contact Rodney Jenkins (256) 734-6349.
- 9-19-05
- The 2005 Alabama State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend of November 4th, 5th, and 6th. The event is to be held at the Billiard Street Cafe which is located on University Drive in Huntsville, Alabama. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash and entry pay-back money is estimated to reach a value well beyond $3,000.
As usual with SouFooPro events, Open Doubles is deemed the main event of the weekend and all are welcome and invited to participate. Those that register for the open doubles contest will then be qualified to enter and compete for state titles in other specialty events to be presented throughout the weekend. Players may register at anytime during the weekend for open doubles and then any other of the ten specialty events that they are eligible to play.
For more information see [AL.STATE05], or contact the Program Headquarters/Rodney Jenkins (256) 734-6349 between 8am & 9pm central time, or email anytime
- 9-13-05
- Donald Wilson and team will coordinate the 2005 Mississippi State Championships during the weekend of October 14-16. The host location is to be Family Bowling Lanes located at 3542 E. Hwy. 80, Pearl, Mississippi which is off Interstate 20 just west of Jackson. The tournament is proclaimed a $5,000 in total value. For more information, see the tournamet flyer @ JPEG-261KB, [RESULTS].
- 2-28-05
- The Program will present it's 2005 Tennessee State Championships during the weekend of March 18-20th with specialty events beginning on Friday evening continuing on Saturday with the main event and then finishing on Sunday with finals. Prizes along with guaranteed cash is estimated to reach a value exceeding $2,500. Open Doubles is the main event and all are welcome and invited to bring a partner and participate. Those that register for open doubles will then be qualified to enter and compete for state championship titles in several other specialty events to be presented during the weekend. See the FLYER.
- 2-23-05
- Hey...This is Lee McClure from Salt Lake City, Utah. I was hoping that you could help promote this "party" that we like to call Utah State. This years party is going to be a $20,000 Foosball Extravaganza. I would really appreciate if you could post a link to the flyer. If anyone from AL is interested in making the trip I'd be more then happy to help them out in any way possible.
This years event was made to be affordable for foosers. I'm sure anyone in AL would qualify for the 2 for $200 package deal special that we are running. The hotel is freakin' awsome and it's always a blast!!!
Thanks for all the help you can give me. And if I can help you guys out I'd be more then happy too.
Hope to see you soon...Lee McClure
- 11-18-04
- The Program will present the 2004 Georgia State Championships during the weekend of December 10-12th at the Wingate Inn of Austell which is in the immediate area of "Six Flags". See additional information at: [GA.STATE04]
Hope to see you there!
- 10-28-04
For a limited time, Tornado of Alabama is offering some oustanding deals on homemodels. If you know someone in the market for a foosball table please pass the word. Now's a great time to buy!
Contact Rodney Jenkins (256) 734-6349, or go to: Tornado of Alabama
- 10-8-04
- The Seventeenth Annual Alabama State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend of November 5th, 6th, and 7th 2004 with "professional" and "amateur" events to be presented throughout the weekend. For the first time since 1994, this year the tournament will be presented in Cullman, Alabama using the facility at the Holiday Inn Express located at 2052 Hays Drive NW, in Cullman, Alabama which is located approximately 50 miles north of Birmingham and just off Interstate 65. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash, is estimated to reach a value well beyond $6,000. Additional information and the tournament flyer is at: [AL.STATE03]
Hope to see you there!
- 10-5-04
- Hey....There's a very good tournament in Memphis,TN. on the 9th of Oct. This coming Saturday @ 3:00 at Newbys....go to
I would love to see some talent there from Alabama. Some guys from Jackson are suppose to be there and alot from Arkansas....put the word out if you want some good competition. I would like to see you guys again.
Sincerely....Steve Fortune
- 6-28-04
- Ongoing tournament action announcement! Jason Hartline along with Bundy's Billiards, of Chattanooga, are still coordinating the $200 Added! bring your partner tournaments on the first Saturday evening of each month. This has been going on for quite some time now and has been a very enjoyable event to attend. Several top players, including myself, from the surrounding areas have been participating in this event. DYP action is usually presented earlier in the evening as well, call (423)893-9408 for information. ...Rodney
- 6-17-04
- Chris Cavaliere has announced plans to present a $7,500 tournament to be held in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Here's his announcement and links to more information:
Here's the link to the site with the info for the $7500.00 Hub City Open in Hattiesburg MS on July 23, 24 and 25. For info contact Chris Cavaliere at 601-606-5454 or Bill Bell at 601-316-1818. MONEY IS GUARANTEED. Hope to see everyone there. We will also be holding a $1200 on the 9th and 10th. If you have any problem getting rooms please give me a call and I can assist you with help. When calling about a room, please make sure to mention that your coming to play the Tournament. Any questions please give me a call. 601-606-5454...Chris
- 6-7-04
- Interested foosers of the area have been invited to participate in a special open doubles foosball tournament to be held in Atlanta, Georgia and presented by local foosers. The entry payback format promises added cash & prizes while the payouts are projected/estimated to reach or exceed $400. The tournament is scheduled for Saturday June 19th 8pm. For information call (404) 255-6002.
- 4-20-04
- Texas State returns to the Holiday Inn Select in Irving, Texas for the third straight year. This host facility has been very popular with the players. It offers ample ballroom space for over 40 new Foosball tables as well as the Inside Foos video booth. Outside the Ballroom there is a conveniently located bar, many food options including a Pizza Hut, an indoor and an outdoor pool, and free shuttles to and from the airport. You can contact them at 972-399-1010 for reservations, make sure to ask for the foosball rate of $61 for up to four people.
There are some exciting changes to this year's Texas State. We have added three big money playoffs for Rookie, Semi-pro and Pro package deal players. The Rookies will play off for $1000, the Semi-Pros will also play off for $1000 and the Pros will play off for $500! All you have to do to be elligible for these playoffs is purchase a package deal which saves you big money in itself. Sunday morning all three of these single ellimination events will start up. You can only play in one playoff but you can play in any playoff of your ranking or higher. For Example, if a Rookie would like to play in the Semi-Pro Playoff instead of the Rookie Playoff because he has a good semi-pro partner, he may provided they have both purchased package deals. Also this year we will have the pro shop available to the players. They offer a full line of foosball accessories and the Pro Tour clothes line. It should feel just like a tour event at Texas State.
See more info. at: TXstate04 .... David Radack
- 4-9-04
- See information about the Program's 2004 N' Florida State Championships listed at: FLstate04
- 4-9-04 by Donald Wilson
Hello everyone. This is not a dream! It is for real! Jeff Lott and Myself (Donald Wilson) have indeed got some tournament foosball tournament action started at the Skating Rink in Pearl,MS.
Thursday night Open Draw Your Partner. Doors Open at 6:30pm and Entries close at 7:15pm Sharp! ..... Entry fee is $5.00. This is for 16 and older only!
Second Tuesday of every month Open Singles. Doors Open at 6:30pm and Entries close at 7:15pm Sharp! Entry fee is $5.00. This is for everyone.
Fourth Tuesday of every month is a Open Bring Your Partner. Doors Open at 6:30pm and Entries close at 7:15pm Sharp! Entry fee is $10.00. This is for everyone.
Saturday Night Foosball Singles or Draw. Entry fee is $2.00 and entries close at 8:00pm. This tournament is for the Youth and Players with a local "Funtime Points rankins" --1100 or under.
Funtime Skateland is in Pearl, Mississippi at 123 Legion Lake Rd. 601-939-0880 ..... Thanks, Donald Wilson (P.S. The starting times will be strictly enforced! Don't be late!)
- 1-30-04
- Information about the 2004 Dixie "Bad Boy" Open is listed at: DIXIE BAD BOY
- 1-14-04
- The Program will be presenting the 2004 Tennessee State Championships in Chattanooga during the weekend of March 26-28th. See the flyer at [TN.STATE04]
- 12-13-03
- Atlanta fooser, Mickey Munger, has vowed to try and get the weekly weekend foosball action restarted at "Fat Cat's" of Austell. He and a couple other players have joined together and fixed up the foosball tables and will be coordinating timely starting times for the Saturday night BYPs. Here's an announcement about the first weekend attempt: "Last night we had 11 teams show up for an open event. Thanks to all who showed up even with the crappy weather. Mickey Munger and Chris Weaver won, but Mike Weaver and Robbie Coleman gave them a good fight in the finals. Everyone liked the idea of starting at a reasonable time so the rule has been established of signing up by 8:30 so we can begin the tourney between 8:35 and 8:45. If you call in, but are not there to start your match at 8:45 you will be withdrawn from the event. All 22 players loved the idea so we will keep it that way. Numerous ideas were given to me, so starting in Jan. we will start some smaller events at 7pm to be followed by the main event. The main event can and will change from week to week, but it will be announced a month in advance. We are working on an Atlanta based point system so that we can have at least one handicapped tourney each month. Last night we had a rookie, single eliminating tourney for free entry into next weeks event. Again, thank for the support and hopefully we can bring Foos back to Atlanta." .... Mike Harrison
- 11-18-03
- The 2003 Georgia State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend of December 5th, 6th, and 7th. The event is to be held at the Holiday Inn of Cartersville located in Northwest Georgia just off Interstate 75 (Exit 293) [VIEW MAP]. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash, is estimated to reach a value well beyond $5,000. See additional information at GAstate03. It promises to be a fun event. I hope to see you there!
- 10-6-03
- " Warrior Custom Golf " in association with Warrior Table Soccer announces the first ever Indoor Outdoor Sports Extravaganza to be held at the luxurious Rio Suites Hotel in Las Vegas, November 28th - 30th, 2003.
For Table Soccer (foosball) this is just the beginning, as the Rio table soccer event will kickoff the first true World Wide Million Dollar Table Soccer Tour and establish once and for all, authentic, world champions! Just Imagine, World Wide Competition with Table Soccer Events in Europe, Asia and South America not to mention the North American Tour. Expect to see anyone who is anybody, in the world of table soccer, at this unprecedented kickoff tournament in Las Vegas. The $200,000 table soccer purse event will make it the Largest Tournament of its kind held in over twenty years!
For detailed information on the host hotel and the warrior table soccer event go to or contact Warrior at 949-699-2499 Ext 314.
- 10-1-03
- The Sixteenth Annual Alabama State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend of November 7th, 8th, and 9th 2003. The event is to be held at The Break Restaurant & Billiards located at 1001 20th Street South, in the heart of the most popular area for night life in the city of Birmingham, Alabama-- known locally as "Five-points South". Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash, is estimated to reach a value well beyond $5,000. The emphasis, this year, will be on "doubles competition" while substantial guaranteed cash will be awarded to the top placing teams of open doubles, semi pro doubles, and rookie doubles. Open Doubles is the main event of the weekend and all are welcome and invited to participate. Those that register and enter the open doubles event will then be qualified to enter and compete for state titles in the other specialty events that will be presented throughout the weekend. Players may register at anytime during the weekend for open doubles and then any other of the twelve specialty events that they are eligible to play. For more information see the flyer at [AL.STATE03]
- 9-17-03
- Foosers in Cullman, Alabama have a new location with a fine Tornado foosball table, the business owner/operator, Todd Abbott, promises it will become the new hot spot for foosball action in Cullman. If your in the area, check out the "West Side Shell" Restaurant and Convenience Store located at the intersection of Main Avenue and Hwy. 278.
- 9-1-03
- Check out MisSiSsIpPi FoOsBaLl in the Southern city of Jackson. Local players David Dent, Tracy Harrell, and Anson Ballard are working together to coordinate weekly foosball tournament competition for all who are interested in participating.
- 7-28-03
- Let this be an announcement from Gregg Stillwell about the upcoming 2003 $1000 Arkansas State Foosball Singles & Doubles Championship!!! being presenting at 3pm on Saturday August 16th. "Cash Prizes are Guaranteed by" while the host location is "Fast Eddie's Tavern" located at 11608 Maumelle Blvd (Hwy100) in North LittleRock(Maumelle), Arkansas. Phone 501-753-0167.
- 6-6-03
- Local players in Huntsville,AL are currently gathering at the "Billiard Street Cafe" for their Every Week foosball tournament scheduled for Wednesday nights. The format has been changed, A warmup singles event has been included starting at, 7pm while the doubles event scheduled for 8pm alternates each week between the "draw" and "bring your partner" formats. Those interested are invited to participate--Located at 2703 University Drive, it was formerly "The Rack Cafe".
Due to lack of participation, the weekly event in Cullman has been changed to a practice session for those interested while occasional special events for the location is to be scheduled. Call for the status of the weekly action.
"Scooter's Lounge", of Scottsboro, Alabama is a new full service bar & grill, the Program has a nice Tornado foosball table on site. Located at 3701 East Willow Street, Scooter's Lounge is open Wednesday-Saturday 11am 'til 2am. Check it out!
"Shooters Tavern" in Jackson,MS. recently changed name to "The Main Event Sports Bar & Grill". The Program's 2003 Mississippi State Championships is scheduled for this location during the weekend of August 8-10th, see MSstate03 for additional information.
- 5-7-03
- The 2003 $25,000 Texas State is right around the corner --May 23rd - 25th. Steve Murray, Richard Wight, & David Radack have all extended personal invites to all in this region to come down to Dallas, Texas for what promises to be one of the best tournaments scheduled for 2003. Some of the outstanding features of this Tour-like event are: Pro Bonus Cash, Womens Bonus Cash, Beginners Package Deal, Lights over every table, and Steve Murrays personal guarantee of optimum playing conditions. Great things returning from last years State: A nice hotel with a great rate ($57 quad), Movie theater for match viewing/Inside Foos, Three Tables to Rookie Players plus one to a random Package Deal Player, 40+ Tables on site.
See additional information and a printable tournament flyer at: [TEXAS].
- 4-30-03
- The Southern Foosball Program presents the Regional Championships of foosball competition in Austell, Georgia scheduled for the weekend of May 9th-11th 2003. Competition during this event is primarily for those players ranked "Rookie" or "Semi-Pro" within the United States Table Soccer Association; however, the Program has included a "Georgia Domination" event which can serve as a chance for recognition and possibly a shift in bragging rights among the local elite foosball enthusiasts.
Rookie/Semi-Pro Doubles is the main event of the weekend and where competition for the most significant cash will take place. All eligible are welcome and invited to participate. Those that register for the main event will then be qualified to enter and compete for regional titles & championship jackets in the other specialty events that will be presented during the weekend. The current United States Table Soccer Association ratings will be used to dictate a players eligibility. See [REGIONALS] for important additional information.
- 4-22-03
- See information about the Program's $1,000 Spring Fling foosball tournament in Cullman, Alabama on Saturday March 3rd.
Also in Cullman, beginning May 1st, the weekly tournament time and format has been changed. The format is now Open Handicapper on each Sunday night at 7pm. The only exceptions are those weekends of regional tournaments which might draw these participants out of town for competition. Check the schedules.
- 4-5-03
- The new Shelti foosball table is on site at the Cullman Bowling Center during this month of April. It will be available for games and competition. If your in the Cullman, Alabama area, please go by and check it out --then give us your opinion of it's features. Thanks!
- 3-1-03
- The year 2003's Northern Florida State Championships of foosball, The "Pan-handle" Playoffs, is planned for the weekend of April 18th, 19th, and 20th. This 3rd annual event is to be held at the RACK N' CUE II located at 3701 Andrew Avenue, in Pensacola, Florida. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with cash, is estimated to reach a value more than $3,000. For more information see the online tournament flyer: [FL.STATE03]
- 2-18-03
- The Southern Foosball Program visits the lovely City of Chattanooga, Tennessee with it's efforts presenting the Tennessee State Championships of foosball competition this 2003. The event is scheduled for the weekend of March 1st with specialty events beginning on Friday evening continuing on Saturday with the main events and then wrapping up on Sunday evening with the finals. Breakers Saloon is the City's newest and hottest place to be for billiards/restaurant/night club/dance hall entertainment, and will be serving as the host location for this tournament. "Breakers" has allot going on and players will no-doubt enjoy the very nice and spacious atmosphere along with the many other great features the location has to offer. The locals are very excited about the tournament and would like to invite anyone interested to come out and participate. Follow this link to the TN.STATE FLYER & POSTER with additional information about the tournament. Hope to see you there!
- 1-1-03
- Those interested are invited to participate in what is the Program's 13th Annual Dixie "Bad Boy" foosball tournament. The Southern Foosball Program presents the $1,200 Dixie "Bad Boy" Open 2003. This years' event is to be held in Jackson, Mississippi at "Shooters Tavern on Saturday and possibly Sunday of the February 8th weekend of 2003.
*The most outstanding performing all-around player competing during the series of events will be determined and then named: Dixie "Bad Boy". A special championship jacket is to be awarded, as well as, a top semi pro jacket, and a top rookie jacket.
"Bad Boy" winners are determined by an accumulative points race calculated during multiple events. Points are earned by entering each event, winning matches, and finishing forth place or better during the deemed events--usually forward shootout, open draw, open singles, open doubles, goalie wars, and, this year, rookie doubles. See more information.
Last years' winners in Atlanta, Georgia were Chris Folsom,GA., Todd Brooks,GA., & Armando Herrera,FL.
Who's Bad in this 2003?
- 9-13-02
- The "Fifteenth Annual" Alabama State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend of November 8th, 9th, and 10th 2002. The event is to be held at The Break Restaurant & Billiards in Birmingham. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash, is estimated to value more than $3,000. For more information see the [ALstate02] tournament flyer.
As a warmup event, the Program is presenting the October "Foos-Fest" of events in Huntsville every Friday night during October, and the "$200 Added! State Warmup Foosbash" on Saturday November 2nd. See, via the link provided below, additional information about these events, as well as, information about Amateur Only! league competition in Birmingham & Huntsville beginning in November where amateur players, and those players rated "C Class" and lower, will have the opportunity to possibly win homemodel foosball tables. [TOURNAMENTS]
- 9-13-02
- The 2002 $20,000 Texas State Championships will be an awesome event to attend. It is scheduled for Nov 28th - Dec 1st. More information including the tournament flyer is now available online. Go to: Just click on the Texas State Info link and Texas State Flyer link. All the info you'll need is viewable.
Highlights: Rookies playoff for THREE new home model tables. All Package deal players entered in drawing for new home model table. 40 Brand New Tables all on Free Play! Tournament hosted in Holiday Inn Select, a beautiful hotel featuring $57 quad room rates, over 400 rooms, a 75 Seat theatre that we'll be showing all the football games in as well as foosball videos and movies, great discounted food, a Pizza hut inside the hotel, 5000 square feet of ballroom, indoor and outdoor pool, sauna, jacuzzi, minature golf. A great family friendly venue.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Any questions, or if you would like to help distribute flyers in your area, email me at Help promoting will be greatly appreciated, the more players we get the more pay outs can be raised. We have a very good track record raising payouts with good turnouts.
Thanks, David Radack
- 7-14-02
- The year 2002's Mississippi State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend of August 9th, 10th, and 11th. The event is to be held at "Shooter Tavern" in Jackson. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash, is estimated to exceed $3,000 in value. Open Doubles is the main event of the weekend and all are welcome and invited to participate. Those that register for the open doubles event will then be qualified to enter and compete for state titles in the other specialty events that will be presented during the weekend. State Championship Jackets will be awarded. Since the event is three weeks before the World Championships of foosball in Dallas, Texas, use this event to warm-up for the "grand-daddy" of all foosball tournaments. Whoooahhh!
- 5-1-02
- The National Championships of Foosball is coming to Atlanta, Georgia the weekend of July 4th through July 8th, 2002. The $55,000 event is presented by the United States Table Soccer Association and will be held at the ATLANTA AIRPORT HILTON located at 1031 Virginia Avenue.
As a warmup for the Nationals, the every week tournament held on Sunday evenings in Cullman has been changed from the "handicap draw" format to the open handicapper format which will give players the opportunity to bring their own partner to team with for the event for practicing purposes. The format also allows players to compete individually as a singles team for those who may be interested. Hopefully, I'll see ya there!
See also, information on the $1,000 Spring Fling -Cullman, Alabama.
- 5-7-02
- Don’t forget to mark your 2002 tournament calendars for the weekend of May 24-27 as NATSA and Skill Games International present one of the sport’s most exciting and competitive foosball events, Super Doubles! The luxurious Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas will once again be the host of this $60,000 one-of-a-kind competition that offers players of any skill level the opportunity to win up to $10,000 in an exciting Super Doubles playoff bracket on the tournaments last day.
Like other tournaments, Super Doubles features competitive play in Singles, Doubles, and Mixed Doubles, with events designed for Rookie, Semi-Pro, Pro and Pro Master players. However, unlike other events, Super Doubles takes the winner of each of the weekends five doubles competitions (Rookie, Semi-Pro, Women’s, Pro, and Open) and places them in a final day, fully handicapped, big money playoff that puts them center stage in “Super Doubles Stadium” with the eventual winners taking home $10,000 and the title of Super Doubles champions.
“It’s like the WWF in here!” said 2001 Super Doubles Semi-Pro champion Tony Martinez, who along with partner Roger Rodriguez rode a huge wave of momentum all the way to a third place, $2500 payday at last years unique table-soccer spectacle. A crowd of more than 250 vocal spectators cheered-on last years select group of competitors, all of whom admitted that the Super Doubles final was one of their most unique and memorable foosball experiences. “That was the most exciting day of foosball that I’ve ever seen!” said one long time tour regular.
At the 2001 event held last May, Terry Moore and Bob Diaz outlasted the final match heroics of Pro Doubles winners Billy Pappas and Michael Yore to win the title in a thrilling, fiercely contested, sudden death showdown that saw many in the wildly enthusiastic crowd standing and applauding after every gut-wrenching point. Using their handicap to their advantage, 16-year-old Pappas and his hustling goalie Yore gave one of sport’s greatest teams all they could handle in a battle that was finally decided by a score of 13-11.
This years “super” event should be even bigger and better! You can be part of this awesome foosball experience by registering for the event at Make reservations at the Renaissance, one of the Lone Star States most beautiful atrium hotels, by calling 512-343-2626. Please call toll free 877-833-3603 for any tournament-related information.
- 3-8-02
- By popular demand, we're doing it again! The "Pan-handle" Playoffs & N'Florida State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend April 19th, 20th, and 21st. The event is to be held, once again, at the RACK N' CUE II located at 3701 Andrew Avenue, in Pensacola, Florida. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with cash, is estimated to value more than $2,500. See more information at: [FLstate02]
- 1-21-02
- Those interested are invited to participate in what is possibly the Program's 12th annual Dixie "Bad Boy" foosball tournament. The Southern Foosball Program presents the $1,200 Dixie "Bad Boy" 2002. This years' event is to be held in Atlanta, Georgia at "Fat Cat's Food & Spirits on Saturday March 9th.
*The most outstanding performing all-around player competing during the series of events will be determined and then named: Dixie "Bad Boy". A special championship jacket is to be awarded, as well as, a top semi pro jacket, and a top rookie jacket.
"Bad Boy" winners are determined by an accumulative points race calculated during multiple events. Points are earned by entering each event, winning matches, and finishing forth place or better during the deemed events--usually forward shootout, open draw, open singles, open doubles, goalie wars, and, this year, rookie doubles. See more information.
Last years' winners in Jackson, Mississippi were Bill Bell, Fritz Kinchen, & Anson Ballard. Who's Bad?
- 1-1-02
- The "Rac 'n Cue II in Pensacola has notified me of a weekly foosball tournament the location is hosting being coordinated by Fred Sherman. On Saturday nights at 8pm a draw-for-partner event is scheduled where the location plans to periodically add possibly $240 cash. See more info at: [PENSACOLA].
- 12-3-01
- This brings you information on the Georgia State Championships of foosball for the year 2001 to be presented by the Southern Foosball Program. For more information and a viewable flyer, go to Georgia State.
If you would like to receive in the mail a paper version of this flyer, forward a note and your postal address to
- 12-1-01
- This announces location changes for the weekly foosball tournaments in Huntsville and the recently created Friday night "every week" tournament in Huntsville. See information on the "$300 Added! Alabama Reunion Foosbash" at upcoming events.
- 11-15-01
- The "Turkey Foos-Shoot" is scheduled as a location visiting event in Huntsville on Wednesday night November 21st, the day before the Thanksgiving Holiday. The "Jelly Room" is in the former JB's Lounge location. The event will include a D.Y.P. and Rookie Singles competition.
- 11-7-01
- *Always a great tournament, the $20,000 Texas State Championships is scheduled this year for November 23rd-25th, the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. I'll probably be traveling to Houston, Texas for the event. For more information, see: [TEXAS STATE]. See ya there!
- 11-7-01
- In Jackson, Mississippi, Tracy Harrell has put together a foosball tournament for anyone interested in participating. She has scheduled for Saturday December 8th starting at 4pm Semi Pro Singles. Other events are to follow including Roto Mixed, Open Doubles and Goalie Wars. All events are 100% payback of entries while the host bar, "This Is It", is adding $50 to Open Doubles. Contact Tracy for more information (601)879-9382.
- 10-1-01
- For travel interested players. The Louisiana State Championships is scheduled for October 18th-21st at the "Holiday Inn Select" New Orleans Airport - 2929 Williams Blvd. Kenner, Louisianna. The tournament has a very attractive payout breakdown which includes Rookie Doubles 1st place cash - $1,500. The tournament is listed as $20,000 total purse, but is actually based on player participation. Nevertheless, should be a great tournament to attend, there are many great enthusiastic foosball players in and surrounding that part of the country. I plan on attending. For more information, contact Daniel Quick or Donnie Babbin.
- 9-24-01
- The "Fourteenth Annual" Alabama State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend of November 2nd, 3rd, and 4th 2001. The event is to be held at The Break Restaurant & Billiards in Birmingham. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash, is worth more than $3,000. For more information see the [ALstate01] tournament flyer.
As a warmup event, the Program is presenting the "Bama Wama" Open in Birmingham on Saturday September 29th, and then the October "Foos-Fest" of events in Huntsville every Wednesday night during October. See: [TOURNAMENTS]
- 8-29-01
- Amateur only! The program is presenting a weekly foosball tournament in Birmingham, Alabama for beginner & amateur foosball players only. The event is scheduled for Tuesday nights beginning September 11th at the Upper Deck Sports Bar & Grill. The event is intended for the new & beginner players with limited tournament experience; however, it's sometimes hard to get enough of these types players to regularily show up and participate. We will try it a few weeks and if the participation is weak, we will then open the event to all level players. See the tournament schedule at [Every Week Tournaments]. Please tell your friends. Everyone is welcome to come out and join us--Foos-for-fun.
Hope to see you there! ..... Rodney Jenkins
- 8-1-01
- World's Warmup! The 2001 United States Table Soccer Association's $130,000 World Championship of foosball is scheduled for August 29th through September 3rd, 2001. This event will be held at the DFW Hyatt Regency-DFW Airport,TX. You must be there! For reservations call (972)453-1234.
The Southern Foosball Program presents warmup events in Jackson, Mississippi and Birmingham, Alabama. See the tournaments scheduled for more information.
- 7-9-01
- The year 2001's Mississippi State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend of August 10th, 11th, and 12th. The event is to be held at "Shooter Tavern" in Jackson. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash, is worth more than $3,000. Open Doubles is the main event of the weekend and all are welcome and invited to participate. Those that register for the open doubles event will then be qualified to enter and compete for state titles in the other specialty events that will be presented during the weekend. State Championship Jackets will be awarded. See the tournament flyer for [additional information]
Since the event is three weeks before the World Championships of foosball in Dallas, Texas, use this event to warm-up for the "grand-daddy" of all foosball tournaments. Whoooahhh!
- 6-4-01
- National's Warmup! The 2001 United States Table Soccer Association's National Championship of foosball is scheduled for June 28th through July 2nd, 2001. This event will be held at the Atlanta Airport Hilton in Atlanta, Georgia. You must be there!
The Southern Foosball Program presents a warmup event in Birmingham, AL. scheduled for this weekend. See more information.
- 3-22-01
- JB's Lounge is back! The old "hot spot" for foosball action in Huntsville, Alabama is back, and with it comes Friday night foosball competition. For the next six weeks Gerald Stevens has offered to let the bar add $50 to the prize payout of a Friday night foosball tournament(Beginning Friday March 30th). Come by and check it out. JB's features drink specials, great food, along with all your pastime favorites including pool tournaments. Don't forget the juke box blasting all your favorite sounds. See more information on the foosball tournament at: cash added.
- 2-16-01
- The 2001 Southern Foosball Program presents the "Northern" Florida State Championships of foosball. The event is worth approximately $2,500 and is scheduled for the weekend of April 6th - 8th. The "Rack n' Cue II" of Pensacola, Florida will serve as the host facility. Click on the link above for the flyer with more detailed information. Plan your trip to the beach this year surrounding The "Pan-handle" Playoffs, I am.
- 2-8-01
- Those interested are invited to participate in what is probably, at least, the Program's 11th annual "Dixie 'Bad Boy' Open" foosball tournament. The Southern Foosball Program presents the $1,600 Dixie "Bad Boy" Open 2001. This year the event will be held in Jackson, Mississippi at Shooters Tavern on Saturday February 17th.
*Featuring the split bracket concept! During the Open Doubles & Singles events the rookie teams compete on one side of the chart while the other teams compete on the opposite side of the chart. This concept guarantees a rookie team playing for the winners bracket, and also a rookie team finnishing at least 3rd or better and 5th or better.
*Most outstanding all-around players are named: Dixie "Bad Boy" and
are awarded a special Jacket, a top semi pro jacket, and a top rookie jacket.
"Bad Boy" winners are determined by a accumalative points race, calculated during the five events. Points are earned by entering (5pts), winning matches (3pts on winners side and 2 on losers bracket), and placing forth or better during the five events--F'shootout,Open Draw, Open Singles,Open Doubles,& Goalie Wars. (10pts. for first place)-(5pts. for second)-(3pts. for third)-(1pt. for fourth) more information. Who's Bad?
- 2-5-01
- For those players interested, Fred Sherman is trying to create a weekly foosball tournament in Pensacola, Florida beginning this week on Friday February 9th. "Open draw for partners event" every Friday at 8pm at the "Rac 'n Cue II". Ten dollar entry fee - 100% payback with the possibility of money being added by the bar. Be there! Or, your scared!
- 12-5-00
- This brings you information on the Georgia State Championships of foosball for the year 2000 to be presented by the Southern Foosball Program. I would like to see every region where foosball interest exists present events where players have the opportunity to compete for state championship titles-- events where the emphasis doesn't have to be so much on value, but on championship titles for mainly historical purposes.
I don't feel like Georgia is my promotional responsibility, but Georgia is an area where I know many foosball players, enthusiastic players that I feel certainly deserve the opportunity to have an annual event where players can compete and claim state championship titles. Since nobody else has stepped up to the task this year and since the opportunity has presented itself in such a way (I currently have tables available, cooperation of a host facility, and an available weekend), I've decided to do my best to provide an event for my foos-neighbors and friends in Georgia-- for this year.
At this time, I don't want to put myself at financial risk, or under the stress that sometimes goes along with promoting the bigger money events. Originally, I had considered its' worth to be in the neighborhood of 5K or even 6k, but due to short notice and the fact that the weekend chosen for the event is so close to Christmas, I have decided to go with a smaller format of 3k.
The format that I plan to use has been successful creating fun events for its' participants, and it guarantees that I will be at minimal financial risks-- which is top priority.
The event requires all participants to support the main money event by paying entry fee for the open doubles event. As a result, players are then qualified to compete for championship titles & jackets in the other events at minimal entry fees ($5 & $10 entry for rookies).
For more information and a viewable flyer, go to Georgia State.
If you would like to receive in the mail a paper version of this flyer, forward a note and your postal address to
- ???????
- An uneven number of players entered for a draw-your-partner event, what to do?
It has always been a problem when players come to a draw event and there's an uneven number of players entered to play. The procedure has been when someone is not willing to voluntarily sit out, the draw would determine who had to sit out. The result almost always turns out that the player that travels from the farthest distance has to sit out, and I think the players will agree that it stinks to be drawn out. After a lot of sole searching I have finally come up with a practical procedure that I think will be acceptable to employ. The procedure is now listed in the Programs' [STANDARD PROCEDURES].
- 11-15-00
- The year 2000's Mississippi State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend of December 8th, 9th, and 10th. The event is to be held at "Shooter Tavern" in Jackson. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash, is worth more than $3,000. Open Doubles is the main event of the weekend and all are welcome and invited to participate. Those that register for the open doubles event will then be qualified to enter and compete for state titles in the other specialty events that will be presented during the weekend. [additional information]
- 9-18-00
- In the area of Jackson, Mississippi, the Southern Foosball Program is proud to announce a new location for it's Program of events. The local players will soon be scheduling and coordinating a weekly tournament schedule utilizing the "Shooters Tavern" and the four brand new Tornado foosball tables recently set on location by the Program. The Program plans on using the location for occasional more-substantial-money & championship tournament events for the outstanding Mississippi foosball player-base. Shooters is located on Highway 80 near Clinton, MS. The phone number is (601) 922-9987.
Eventually, a link will follow here [Shooters] that will take you to more information about the location, as well as, the Mississippi Foosball Program of events.
- 8-22-00
- The year 2000's Alabama State Championships of foosball is planned for the weekend of November 3rd, 4th, and 5th. The event is to be held at The Break Restaurant & Billiards in Birmingham. Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash, is worth more than $3,000. Open Doubles is the main event of the weekend and all are welcome and invited to participate. Those that register for the open doubles event will then be qualified to enter and compete for state titles in the other specialty events that will be presented during the weekend.
- 7-17-00
- The North Alabama Open foosball tournament starts Friday July 21st. The location has changed from Huntsville to the Birmingham area. The event will be held at the Jack Pot Family Game Center in Tarrant. [Location directions & tournament schedule]
- 6-16-06
- Added a page with combined local information included which will create the Florida Panhandle Foosball Program page.
- 8-17-05
- Added pictures taken at the AL. Open/World's Warmup held in Birmingham. See [PICTURES]
- 1-6-05
- Added a page with combined local information included which will create the Alabama Foosball Program page. Also created other pages including: Georgia Foosball Program, Tennessee Foosball Program, & Mississippi Foosball Program.
- 1-5-05
- Finally added a few new terms defined under the Glossary of Terms & Language.
- 12-21-04
- Added pictures taken at the Georgia State 2004. See [PICTURES]
- 9-15-03
- Created the [JACKSON FOOSBALL PROGRAM] web page.
Also, created the online flyer with the breakdown information for the $5,000 Alabama State Championships 2003 that's scheduled for early November.
- 5-17-03
- Added a page with information about [FOOS-GEAR & APPAREL] that's available. Also, changed the times for the Sunday tournaments in Cullman every-week.
- 2-1-03
- Added a page with information about promotional services available through the "Southern Foosball Program". See [PROMOTIONAL SERVICES].
- 1-23-03
- 10-16-02
- I added the Official Rules of Play page which include information about Goalie Wars, Forward Shootout, Four-on-Four, and Two-Ball Rollerball.
- 9-5-02
- I recently added a page with the winners of World Championship titles since the creation of the event. See them at: [WORLD CHAMPS].
- 8-23-02
- I recently added a page with the winners of National Championship titles from as far back as 1976 'til present. See them at: [CHAMPS].
- 6-13-02
- I recently added example pictures of "Championship Jackets" sometimes awarded by the Southern Foosball Program. They are located at [RESULTS] & [PICTURES].
- 5-23-02
- I recently added my [MISSION STATEMENT] released back in April 1999. The page is accessible through the "About the Program" page, but you can also use the link provided herein.
- 5-13-02
- I ran across some old results of the "Alabama Foosball Program" tournaments back in 1990 & 1991. The information is posted at: [RESULTS 1991] for those interested to know who was foosin' in those days.
- 4-25-02
- News and results are listed for the Dixie "Bad Boy" event as well as for Florida State 2002 [FOOS-NEWS].
- 1-21-02
- Scheduled the 2002 Dixie "Bad Boy" event.
- 12-1-01
- Listed location changes for weekly foosball tournaments in Huntsville and this announces the recently created Friday night "every week" tournament in Huntsville. Listed other events scheduled including the $300 Added! Alabama Reunion Foosbash. See upcoming events.
- 11-5-01
- Added the results of the 2001 Alabama State and results of the 2001 Louisianna State.
- 10-11-01
- Added more pictures to the [PICTURE INDEX].
- 9-18-01
- Added during the last few weeks included: [NEWS] of the 2001 World Championships, Tennessee State [FLYER], additional tournaments including October Foos-Fest in Huntsville ($200 added every week open doubles), and information about the Round Robin format for playing foosball. Added the complete results of the Program's tournaments in 1995.
- 8-13-01
- Added news & results of the 2001 Mississippi State Championships.
Upgraded the "World's Warmup-Birmingham" from $50 added open doubles to $250 added open doubles guaranteed! This event is scheduled for Friday night August 24th at 9pm. Don't be late!
- 7-9-01
- Added events to the upcoming tournaments schedule including the 2001 Mississippi State to be held the weekend of August 10th - 12th and the Alabama State to be held the weekend of November 2nd - 4th.
- 5-11-01
- Added results of the 1996 Alabama Foosball Program tour of tournament events.
[WERE YOU THERE? 1996] Also "Treasure Lane" for [1996] & [1997]
- 4-23-01
- Posted updated prices on foosball tables & parts for "Tornado of Alabama".
- 4-17-01
- Added results of '98 & '99 Treasure Lanes [money winners].
- 4-12-01
- Added news and results of the "Northern" State Championships of foosball. FLstate-results01
Also posted additional tournaments.
- 2-16-01
- Added the tournament flyer page for the Program's Florida State Championships event.
- 2-8-01
- Added results of a Pensacola tournament and announced efforts of creating a weekly event for that same location. Announced the Dixie "Bad Boy" event for Jackson, Mississippi next weekend. Added some players to the "Class-Point Ratings" list, and breifly added some results-news about the Lexington, Kentucky event. Listed additional tournaments including plans for a Northern Florida State Championships.
- 12-31-00
- Georgia State Championship news & results are posted. Updated Treasure Lane.
- 12-11-00
- Mississippi State Championship news & results are posted.
- 12-1-00
- Added information on a Rookie Doubles foosball tournament scheduled for Huntsville on Friday 12-22-00. Announced the 2000 Georgia State and created a flyer page.(See tournaments) Also, added results of the 1998 Georgia State.
- 11-22-00
- Added Hotel information to the Mississippi State flyer.
- 11-19-00
- Updated the everyweek tournament schedule--included the amateur tournament in Huntsville. Added announcements and Standard Procedures.
- 11-15-00
- Added the Mississippi State flyer.
- 11-8-00
- Added results of the year 2000's Alabama State Championships.
- 10-27-00
- Added results of Mississippi State Championships (1991,1992,1993,& 1995), 1994 Tennessee State, Georgia State Championships (1991 & 1997), 1993 Kentucky State Championships, & 1989 Alabama State Championship results.
- 10-23-00
- Added results of the Program's 1997 Tennessee State Championships. Also added links to results of National & Regional events during 1995-1998.
- 10-19-00
- Additional used table sales information. Updated every-week tournament information including a weekly event in Jackson, Mississippi. Added Cullman tournament results, updated treasure lane and class ratings. Whoooaahh!
- 10-5-00
- Added [1997 TOURNAMENT RESULTS] of the Alabama Foosball Program.
- 9-28-00
- Added the October 7th foosball tournament at Shooters Tavern in Jackson, Mississippi.
more tournament information
- 8-31-00
- Added the Alabama Foosball Program [1998 TOURNAMENT RESULTS].
- 8-26-00
- Added the [PARTS] page. Listed are the parts available for sale new & used with prices. I also listed additional foosball tournament results for 1999.
- 8-22-00
- Added the results of the [WORLDS WARMUP].
Also added the '00 Alabama State Championship flyer.
- 8-11-00
- Added players list with their Class-Point Rating [PLAYER RATINGS]
- 8-10-00
- Updated the Every Week Tournament Results and the Top Money Winners. Also added the entry fee for open doubles at the World's Warmup tournament listing.
- 7-31-00
- Sorry, to those that have been trying to contact me during the last week. I have been on vacation July 23rd - 30th. I'll reply to every message as soon as possible. Thanks.
I posted the results of the "North Alabama Open" at the results page.
Added the Handicap Procedures page with the "Handicap Scale" as it is used by the Program.
- 7-20-00
- I added information about the Pensacola Open Draw scheduled for Saturday night July 29th at 9pm.
- 7-17-00
- Added the 1999 Alabama State results to the Tournament Results page.
- 7-14-00
- Your looking at it! The announcements, news, and updates page. You don't have to surf the whole website looking for new information.
- 7-10-00
- Added results of Alabama State Championship events from 1990-1998.
- 7-6-00
- Added a page with pictures of the whole line of Tornado home foosball tables.
Direct your questions or comments to the Southern Foosball Program/Rodney Jenkins at (256) 734-6349, or by email: