Foosball enthusiasts all over the country enjoy participating in weekly foosball tournaments and/or sometimes league competition. It's possible that there may be a group of foosball enthusiasts already coordinating events in your area. If so, you should take advantage of the opportunity and get out and participate. More of my thoughts are...continued here
The Southern Foosball Program presents occasional regional events in the great state of Mississippi. Listed below is links to that information, as well as, submitted information about local foosball action throughout Mississippi. Included is, at least, contact information for those coordinating, or those "in the know", about the said foos-activity. Also to be included is any collected resulting information, all of which create our Mississippi Foosball Program. Information is usually updated during the first five days of each month-if not before; however, all is subject to change at any moment--you should check back often for possible updates. This information, if any, will be the result of submission by those "in the know", and it's actuality will be dependent. While efforts will be made to confirm the accuracy of suspicious input, the Southern Foosball Program will make no guarantees of accuracy about what is posted herein, one should use their own judgement. Certainly, prior to making a long drive to participate, you should first contact someone in the know to get an idea of current activity status.
Experience "MisSiSsIpPi FoOsBaLl" --which happens to be the home of several of the Programs top rated foosball competitors such as those pictured above, Chris Cavaliere of Hattiesburg, and Bill Bell of Jackson. This page is being sponsored by the Southern Foosball Program and Tornado of Alabama, your source for foosball tables, parts, and service--homemodels and coin-operated. Those interested in becoming a sponsor, or simply pledging support for the goals of this page and Program, please go here.
- Jackson
- Contact Donald Wilson for information about foosball tournaments presented weekly in and around the city of Jackson, Mississippi. Additionally, "This Is It!" is a popular foosball spot in Jackson, contact Tony Pope for tournament information or drop by the location located at 3401 Rainey Road. Call (601) 373-5966.
- Hattiesburg
- Contact Julie Hall for information about draw-your-partner tournaments every Friday night at "Nick's Ice House" in Hattiesburg. Phone (601)544-5987.
- Dec. 17-19 2004 Mississippi State Championships in Jackson,MS. [RESULTS]
2-26-05 $1,000 Mississippi Open Doubles @5:00pmfor more information contact: Tony Pope or Donald Wilson 7-22-06 $400 tournament ...Saturday @6pm Open Singles @8pm Open Doubles
- 2-3-05 JACKSON open draw/ Brian Ingram & Randy McCall
2-5-05 JACKSON pro-am doubles- 1st/Bobby Sims & Mark Crosby(22 teams!)
2nd/David Dent & David Tullos
3rd/Chris Brown & Chris Nickens- Open Draw - 1st/Bobby Sims & Matt Clem(12 teams!)
- 2nd/Paul Westmoreland & David Tullos
3rd/David Dent & Randy Hendon- 2-10-05 JACKSON open draw/ Wendell Fugitt & Shannon Coley
2-12-05 JACKSON open draw/ Bill Bell & Dewy Culpepper- draw #2/Bill Bell & Chad Philipps
- 2-17-05 JACKSON open draw/ Wendell Fugitt & Chris Covington
2-21-05 JACKSON open draw/ Anson Ballard & Mike Renard
TOP MONEY WINNERS:no info submitted!(For the period Beginning in January 2004 through December)
- 10-19-05
- We had a total of 87 players that attended the Mississippi State Championships. We had 1 from Texas, 3 from Florida, 3 from Tennessee, 2 from Alabama, 4 from Arkansas, 14 from Louisaina, and 60 from Mississippi. For those who missed it this tournament was "OFF THE HOOK". There was alot of great foosball played this weekend. The total payout was increased. Total payout was $4,900 in cash, 11 Jackets at $880.00 and $450.00 in (16) Trophies. That brought the total to $6,230.00. Thanks to all that attended and who helped with the tournament.
..... Donald Wilson [MSstate05-RESULTS].- 12-1-04
- Greetings Foosers, By: Donald Wilson of Jackson, Mississippi
The year 2004 has come and almost gone. In the past year we have seen the rise and fall of Funtime Skateland Foosball, a great $7,500 Foosball tournament in Hattiesburg by Chris Cavaliere and Bill Bell, and the comeback of “This Is It” Foosball ran by Tony Pope. We have even had more players traveling this year to play in other State Championships and Tour Events. Not to mention all the State titles and World titles Mississippi players have. Foosball is a sport that has been around for a long time and will be here for a long time to come. Foosball my friends, is what you make of it. I can remember when we would have a tournament for Trophies or Jackets only (no money) and have 20 plus teams. Back then everyone just loved to play the game. There are still players out that do love to play the game. To have a successful Foosball program you need a big player base. To achieve a big player base you need to continually bring in new players to where you have old players that love to play the game. It also wouldn’t hurt to have more than one location (we are working on that for 2005). With all this in mind, I would like to invite everyone to the 2004 Mississippi State Championships. It will be hosted by “This is It” in Jackson, MS, December 17th through 19th. I know that this is a short notice, having a Tournament just a week before Christmas and still during Deer season. But it would be a shame not to have a 2004 Mississippi State Championship. On the flyer you will notice that it is not a $5,000 or $10,000 Tournament. It is what ever you make it. The more that show up and play the bigger the tournament will be. This tournament will be for the dedicated Foosball Players that want to win a State Title. Open Doubles is the only event that has money listed with a team minimum. All the other events have are Jackets or a Jacket and % payback of entries. This tournament is all about having fun, playing a sport you love to play, and winning a 2004 Mississippi State Title. If we only have four teams or players in each event we are still going to have this tournament. We will have some 2004 Mississippi State Champions! Will it be you? One thing is for sure, you can’t win if you ain’t in! So if you can dodge some last minute Christmas Shopping, Christmas Parties, Honey Do’s and Deer Hunting for one or two days then come on out and join us. Maybe you will win a Mississippi State Title.
For more information, see the [FLYER-04], or reply to: Donald Wilson or call: 601-720-3368
Until next time, Keep Foosing ...Donald- 6-17-04
- Chris Cavaliere has announced plans to present a $7,500 tournament to be held in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Here's his announcement and links to more information:
Here's the link to the site with the info for the $7500.00 Hub City Open in Hattiesburg MS on July 23, 24 and 25. For info contact Chris Cavaliere at 601-606-5454 or Bill Bell at 601-316-1818. MONEY IS GUARANTEED. Hope to see everyone there. We will also be holding a $1200 on the 9th and 10th. If you have any problem getting rooms please give me a call and I can assist you with help. When calling about a room, please make sure to mention that your coming to play the Tournament. Any questions please give me a call. 601-606-5454...Chris- 4-20-04
"This Is It" - Open D.Y.P. Foosball Tournament Saturday Night!!!
Sign-Ups will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will close no later than 8:30 p.m. Sharp!! Entry Fees Will be $5.00 for Rookie and Amateur and $10.00 for Semi-Pro and up. Local Points will apply. If not rated locally, then U.S.T.S.A. Points will apply. Tony Pope will be your Tournament Director. I hope to see a show of support this Saturday night. There have been attempts to have some tournaments at "This Is It" recently and it seems hardly any foosers want to show much if any support. So players please, let's try to bring foosball back and have as many tournaments as we can each week in as many different locations as possible. I believe the more we have, the more new players and even old players we will have join in on the tournaments. I will have advertisement up on the walls at "This Is It" by Saturday night as well, to inform you of upcoming tournament information at "This Is It," and "Funtime" in Pearl. Also I hope to have a flyer posted by this weekend for a good bring your partner tournament hopefully to be held soon! No Promises on that just yet though, but working on it and working towards some added money once a week to a weekly tournament to be held either on Monday or Wednesday nights at "This Is It". The Saturday Night Tournaments will be every other weekend beginning this Weekend and excluding holidays and weekends when there are conflicting tournaments in or out of town. I will have a calendar posted Saturday night. Please Show Your Support in the Name of Foosball!!
Thanks! ... Tony Pope- 3-5-04
- Greeting Foosers, another Thursday night has come and gone (but this one is for the record books). The weather forecast said Tornadoes after midnight. They were wrong. The Tornadoes came early. At seven o'clock all three Tornadoes were going strong. With the weather not looking very well, I wasn't quiet sure on how many people would show up. But show up they did (put up foosball tables and they will come)! I would like to thank my first time Funtime Skateland Players for coming out to play; Billy Barnes, Kevin Hemphill, Laura Taylor, Chris Taylor, Matt Clem, Brooke Clem, Chris Shuler and Tony Pope. Also thank you to everyone else that showed up. We had a remarkable eleven (11) teams. That was not a miss print. Eleven (11) teams! The field of players was tough.
I hope to see everyone next Thursday night. Same place same time. Don't forget This Tuesday night we are having a singles tournament March 9. We are only having Singles tournaments once a month, the second Tuesday of the month. I hope to see you there.
Until next time, May the foos be with you! ... Donald Wilson- 2-2-04
- Hello everyone. This is not a dream! It is for real! Jeff Lott and Myself (Donald Wilson) are ready to get some tournaments started at the Skating Rink in Pearl. The Tournaments will be on Thursday night's. They will be D.Y.P.'s. Once we get things built up, we will have a B.Y.P. once a month. We do have tournaments on Saturday night. It is usually for the kids 16 and under. But if we have enough interest we can have one for the older players (a separate bracket).
The doors will open at 6:30 and entries will start at 6:45 and close at 7:15 then we will start calling matches. Funtime Skateland is located at 123 Legion Lake road. Its off of Hwy. 80 across from Bowling Alley. Turn off Hwy 80 between Mac's Gas station and Auto Country Car sales. The Phone Number is 939-0880.
The Skating rink will strictly enforce U.S.T.S.A. rules on cussing! And Rankin county is in a dry county (no drinking!). The Skating rink is a smoke free facility. You can smoke on the front porch but not in the building. Funtime Skateland is a family fun center. You can bring your whole family. It cost $3.00 each to skate. Foosball players and spectators are admitted free in the building for the Foosball tournament, but if you want to skate it will cost $3.00. The Skating rink has video games, air hockey, and pinball machine. The snackbar will be open, they have pizza, nachos, chips, candy, and soft drinks. If the turn outs are good we will add a third foosball table. I hope to see you there. So come to the skating rink and Get you some!
Thanks, Donald Wilson ... P.S. The starting times will be strictly enforced! Don't be late!- 12-4-03
- Sorry, the weekly foosball tournament at "The Main Event" has been cancelled due to lack of participation. Keep an eye out for announcements of possible periodical tournaments scheduled for the location.
- 11-11-03
- Well, in case you have not heard, I (David Dent) am going overseas to work on a project for the ministry of electricity on in Baghdad, Iraq. I leave Wednesday night, traveling by plane to Memphis, Amsterdam and Kuwait and then driving to Baghdad in an armored caravan as I understand it, several days later. I have no idea when I will be able to return to the United States or if I will ever return. It is possible that I might be able to return home for Christmas, but that is uncertain. Needless to say, I will not be running any tournaments for a very long time.
Tracy Harrell and Anson Ballard will be running things from now on and I have already talked to them.
Later, .....David Dent
Good luck to David and we wish him the best!
I just wanted to let everyone know that David is turning over all the tourny info to me, and I will be running the tourny's with the help of Anson. I intend on keeping everything going as smoothly as David has, as well as sending out weekly updates, and other info. If you have any questions you can reach me by the email link listed or on my cell at 601-209-1450.
See you Saturday! ($50 added Draw) .....Tracy- 11-3-03
- The first Saturday bring at the Main Event went off well without any problems and was a great success. Although 4 tables were in place, only two were "tournament ready" and were used in the event. From what I have heard, Rodney and Cody will get together to place a light over the new table before the November 22nd $200 added event. With 11 teams participating, the event went smoothly, starting at around 8:30 and ending at about 2:00AM. The top 4 seeds advanced and ended up with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place as they were seeded per points off the VIFA website. Thanks goes out to Donald Wilson for providing that information as well as a set of rules. Donald Wilson/Dent only edged Joe Lacey/Mike Flynn by 40 points on the seeding points.
Items of interest that I noticed at the tournament were: The bar added $150 which brought the winnings up to a new high with the new record turnout. Jeff Thomas came out of retirement to play with Mike Jewell. Jeff made a good showing, but couldn't seem to "crank up" his shot well enough to beat one of the seeded teams. I look for Jeff Thomas to come back with a vengeance after his showing this weekend. Chris Cavalier and Bobby Sims played well with Chris shooting a pull shot of all things. It looked like a replay of a 1990 event, when Chris used to shoot a pull at that time, but with a much better 5 row. Two teams showed up from the campus of Ole Miss to find out what tournament foosball is all about... Mike Lee was one of those entering for the first time. I think he may have some idea what needs to improve when he returns to Oxford. The teams of Anson Ballard/Matt Clem and Pat Phillips/Mike Bankston still cannot seem to "break through" although they had respectable play and probably scared a few teams. Randy Bolton/Caroline Bolton and Ty Kuhn/Tracy Harrell also had aspirations that never quite came true. All 4 of these teams have potential that have not been realized in my opinion... I look for one of them to break through at some point in the coming months.
...David Dent- 10-9-03
- I have good news to report to you in this "special report" on foosball in the Jackson area... Yesterday, I got a call from Cody at the Main Event. It seems that Cody has managed to get sponsors for the foosball activity. Coke/Sunny Water and Sysco Food Services of Jackson have chipped in to help promote and fund our events. In my view, the arrival of Coca-Cola on the scene is of great significance. In the past, we have only had beer vendors to help promote and there was no money backing from these vendors. Coke could potentially have a much greater impact on our sport. The immediate effects are that the tournament's added money is now back and guaranteed. The DYP's will all have $50 added and the BYP's will now have $150+ added. The BYP's will still be on the first Saturday of the month and DYP's will still be on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays. This will include this Saturday's DYP, which now has the $50 added money guaranteed by Main Event/Coke/Sysco. Cody went on to say that Coke would be providing a advertisement banner in the foosball area and that on the 5th Saturday events, we might have a larger 2 day event with potentially more than $150 added. Thanks and I hope to see you this Saturday night.
David Dent...- 9-22-03
- Thanks to everyone that showed up. There was good competition Saturday night. BUT, we need more people to show up. Talk to everyone that you know that plays and tell them about the tournaments. We have tried to accomodate to the players. The tournament is starting earlier, finishing earlier, and we have convinced this new location to add $$$ when they are not really getting anything out of it. PLEASE try to come out and play. The more people we can get the more money they will add. If the same 10 people continue to show up and no more then they will quit adding money and may no longer even welcome foosball tournaments to be held. We all know someone who isn't showing up that we can call. Try to call at least one person and convince them to show up. Talk to people in hattiesburg, mobile, new orleans, and memphis. If we can get 1 more person for each person that has been playing then we will have 10 teams. That would be more than we have had for a local tournament in well over a year.
Thanks, Anson Ballard- 9-22-03
- The tournament Saturday night at the Main Event went off without problems. Tracy Harrell ran the charts. Everyone should thank Tracy for her efforts. The bar did add the $50 promised even though there were only 5 teams. Our first bring your partner will be on the first Saturday in October with $100 added. That will be Saturday, October 4th. Already, people are starting to pair up and get ready for this added money bring, which will be the first of its type in Jackson for several years. That bar wants 15 teams to continue the added money next month to the DYP's and the BYP's. So please make sure to tell everyone you know about the tournaments with added money and please come out and participate. With $100 added, assuming 10 teams participate, first place would be approximately $200! Not bad for a Saturday night local event... The results are listed.
Congratulations to Donald Wilson on his "comeback" debut with 1st place, along with Anson Ballard. I understand that competition was pretty intense and the event was completed before midnight. In case anyone has not checked Rodney's website lately, we have a page for the Jackson Foosball program now. Here is the web address: http://www.southernfoosball.com/Jackson.htm
I thought that the page looked great and should give us good exposure in Jackson.
Thanks, David Dent...- 9-15-03
- The Saturday night draw at Main Event went off without problems(5 teams), the results are listed. The bartender/manager, Cody, made an announcement Saturday night that future DYPs would have $50 added by the bar. Cody mentioned that he hoped to get 15 teams participating to keep the event going. Cody also mentioned that if more teams began to regularly show up, that the added money would be increased. Also, on the 1st Saturday of the month, Cody will be adding $100 to a bring your partner event. Please tell everyone you know that the tournaments are back on and that money is now being added. Also, please come out and participate.
David Dent
It's my intention to include submitted information that will help any persons interested in finding foosball activity in areas scattered throughout the Southeastern USA. If you know of places where coordinated efforts have established an event, whether it's every-week, bi-weekly, or even monthly, if it's presented in sportsmanlike fashion and if it's open to anyone to participate, please submit this information to Ala_Foos@yahoo.com. It's very likely we will add that information here so that possibly others will learn of it and open the door for the possibility of growth in the local player base.
Direct your questions or comments to the Southern Foosball Program/Rodney Jenkins by email: Ala_Foos@yahoo.com.