- 10-28-2011
- Attention foosball players! Locals in Cullman, Alabama are interested in creating some weekly foosball tournament action for anyone that would be interested in participating.
Starting Friday nights in December 2011, Stephen Darby and others will be at the Cullman Bowling Center at approximately 7pm and would like to coordinate a draw-your-partner foosball tournament at 7:30pm for enough players interested.
Local players have elected to alter the DYP format weekly to incorporate the Open Draw tournament format on the second & forth weeks of each month while the Handicap Draw tournament format on the first and third weeks of the month. Ten dollar entry fee per player will be distributed back to the top finishers of the tournament as deemed appropriate by the acting tournament director.
Thank you, ...Rodney Jenkins
- 9-18-2011
- The 2011 Alabama State Championships of foosball tournament is planned for the weekend of November 4th and 5th. Tom Farley and his "Rocket City Foosball Program" is sponsoring and presenting the event to be held at Suds Bar & Grill located in the city of Madison, Alabama which is in the northern most portion of the state.
Prizes to be awarded during the event, along with guaranteed cash and entry pay-back money is estimated to reach a value well beyond $2,000.
See additional information at: [AL-STATE-2011]
- 5-24-2011
- Our "RocketCity $500" had players from four surrounding states represented and totaled $860 cash payouts. Thanks for coming folks! Our location in Madison is our foos-place for the Wednesday dyp and Saturday as well--w/free buffet on Wednesday 5 till 8pm and live music both nights. The tournament is run on 5 tables. Our next guaranteed will be a warmup tournament for the Nationals. Be there or you'll miss another great tournament!
...kewlbeans dale
- 5-1-2011
- Stay tuned SUPERDRAW SATURDAYS @ SUDS coming.. also Wed tourny is dyp... free food buffet... good music... down the street @The Station..... Home of the 2007 ALABAMA STATE... new tables .... Buffet starts at 5pm good food and last till 8pm.... tourny starts at 8pm...
See you There ...kewlbeans dale
- 3-20-2011 by Phil Grable
- First off, I would like to thank Tom Farley for all of his hard work and commitment to foosball, I hope Alabama appreciates his efforts! I definately had a good time at the recent tournament in Madison! It was nice to see old friends, and make some new one's. I want to say thanks to my partners. Dale, sorry man, I stunk it up in the dyp, all I can say is I told you, we should switch. In doubles, somehow Billy and I managed to pull out a win, over a red hot Lee & Audrey, following their impressive win over Bruce & James. Billy's shoulder and mine where both showing their age. Chalk another one up for the old guys!
Again, thanks Tom and the Alabama player's for showing us a good time! Hopefully, we'll see some of you at the Atlanta U.S. Open warm up --it's April 9th. For information on foosball tournaments in the Atlanta,GA. area please call me: #678 662 7469 ...Phil Grable
- 3-23-2010
- As scheduled above, we are moving the weekly foosball tournament effort to Wednesday nights once again instead of Sunday evenings. For those interested, I plan to be available on Wednesday nights to coordinate a "handicap draw" tournament with enough participants present at 7pm sharp. The entry fee is $3 per player and all are welcome to participate; however, the focus with this effort will be trying to encourage new and beginning player participation. The handicap format is a proven path and great opportunity for new and amateur level players to learn more and become more skilled at foosball tournament competition. As you know, bennefits of the format extend to the more experienced players as well. Please forward the invite to anyone you think might be interested.
Fun, fun, fun...Let's do it! Thanks...Rodney
- 11-1-09
- FOOSBALL PLAYERS, ...let's play the game!!
You probably already know, the foosball scene here in Cullman, Alabama, as well as many other areas of the state, has been kind of quiet for the past couple years or so. ...I thinks it's time to crank things up a bit!
On Behalf of a few who have contacted me with the request, I'm attempting to create some foosball activity once again here in Cullman. I plan on being available to coordinate some weekly foosball tournaments for those players interested participating. The intended schedule is/will be posted above and is set to begin immediately. I also sent postal mailouts with this announcement to many in the surrounding area in an extra effort to get the word out. Please do us a favor and notify or forward the invite to all those you think might be interested.
.....Thank you very much, Rodney Jenkins
PS... Please consider the following important factors: Those interested in seeing this attempt succeed should do their very best to participate in these early stages of the effort because the schedule is subject to change quickly accordingly--even abandonment if there turns out to be a lack of interest.
- 1-1-08
- Due to priority family reasons, I will be taking a "time-out" with respect to my foosball promotional efforts and my competition involvement for a undetermined period of time. My best wishes to everyone while I'm away and hopefully I'll return one day to continue promoting and playing foosball again. Meanwhile, certain information usually highlighted at this Southern Foosball Program site might become somewhat unattended. I'll try and leave the site up for as long as I can afford it for those interested in visiting for it's history content.
Sorry, ...Rodney Jenkins
- 11-5-07
- Congratulations to the Alabama State Champions for 2007. It was a fun weekend of foosball competition in Madison, Alabama where the youngster from Jackson, Mississippi, Daniel Colter, was able to return and defend his "2006 open doubles state title"---this year he was teamed with Chattanooga, Tennessee's "Bad Boy" foosball player Bruce Stancel. Outstanding foosball players and top-notch competition filled the tournament area during the weekend where "The Station Pub & Grill", provided nicely as the host for our annual tournament. After other main event action during the weekend Michael Bates captured the 2007 open singles championship title defeating, in the finals, none other than the red hot young Daniel Colter.
Thanks again to all those who made it out in support of another of our Southern Foosball Program's annual Alabama State Championships, I hope to see you all again next time. The complete results are listed at: [RESULTS]
- 9-1-07
- The 20th annual Alabama State Championships of foosball is scheduled for the weekend of November 2nd - 4th 2007. All are invited to participate in the competition for another chance at a niche in our Alabama foosball history. The titles up for grab this year include: the always competitive open doubles(main event) and open singles, along with the under-pro doubles and singles events. We expect players from many areas of the state, as well as, a few from surrounding states to be in town for these and other specialty events to be featured during the weekend. The tournament value will exceed $2,500 this year and will provide for a weekend of foos-fun for all who participate. Please note: Alabama State participating players will be required to support the tournament by entering the "main event(open doubles)" before becoming eligible for most of the events of the tournament.
For those eligible, "Ala-Amateur only!" events will be featured which will award 1st place trophies to winners of a singles, doubles, and a draw-for-partner events. Entry to the Ala-Amateur events will be $10 per event and will be restricted to only those players deemed locally active and who are listed in the Program's class ratings at BEGinner,D-class,C-class,and B-class. A special package deal entry fee will be offered for the Ala-Amateur players-- $60 will cover the required entry to the main event, open doubles, the under-pro doubles, and the three Ala-Amateur events; however, pre-registration is required in order to get this special price. Ala-Amateur events will be played at 7pm on each night of the tournament beginning with singles on Friday night--don't be late!
Good luck, and I hope to see everyone at Alabama State 2007.
Additional tournament information is at: AL.State 07 ...Rodney
- 7-23-07
I would like to Thank everyone who came out To Compete in and that came to observe the Southern Foosball Program's - 2007 Summer Foos-Blast!!! We had a Great Turn Out as well as Lots of Fun!! The Tournament was a Big Success And went Fantastic!!! Total Pay-Outs and Prizes Toped out at $1,600.00 !!!! Special Thanks to David Burnette & Tom Farley For their contributions to the tournament Special Thanks to Rodney Jenkins for Furnishing the Very nice Trophies presented to the Open Mixed Team And the Beginner Events-- As well as the use of his tables And for setting up more tables to make this tournament possible!! Special Thanks to David Hobson for helping to keep Matches called and running the V.I.P. Table --- lol
Sincerely ...Randy Parker [RESULTS]
- 6-12-07
- The Huntsville Foosball Program bids farewell to a long time gathering spot for the local tournament playerbase. The Billiard Street Cafe will be shutting it's doors soon. The property was sold and the new owners intend to use the building in another capacity.
Huntsville players will be moving their weekly foos program to another bar approximately 10 miles west to the suburb city of Madison. The Wednesday night foosball tournament will be coordinated at The Station Pub & Grill located at 8694 Madison Blvd. beginning Wednesday June 12th. The locals are very excited about the new foos-location which turns out to be practically in the back yard of a couple of the tournaments frequent participants, and then to boot, it's actually closer to many of the regular and occasional participants as well.
Hurry by and check it out! The location phone number is 256-325-1333.
THis PLayer LOcation RULLLLLLLEEESSSSSSSS ..... Congrats to James porter for securing it... on our turny nite a local Radio personality MOJO does a happy hour party live On THE Radio IT has pool Tables and lots booths and tables to chat and eat and drink your fav beverage also a Kareoke Room sound proof lots of TVs on different sports events a couple big screens several Friendly waitresses and a great logistics staff a live band GReat FOOD at Great Prices...... the parlor we are in at this location gives us a Great look of the deck and the band playing and the door to the deck is open so we get great sound as well .. the tables are brand new and play really well ... the ownership has said we can set up ten tables for bigger events Huntsville Foosball has really moved up this location has class and is near the international airport planes fly over the Location at low altitude its that close ... again Kudos to james And thankyou Rodney for the program and the new Tables.....
...Kewlbeans dale
- 4-28-07
- We did not have time to present the goalie wars portion of the Dixie "Bad Boy" tournament a couple weeks ago without all having to return on Sunday. So the goalie wars was postponed. For those interested in participating, we will coordinate the goalie wars event on this coming Friday night May 4th after the regular Friday night DYP at the Cullman Bowling Center. ...Rodney
- 1-24-07
- On February 1st, the weekly "Handicap Draw" tournament in Cullman will feature CASH ADDED!. Observing a "2007 Kick-off" promotion, $50 will be added to the tournament payback breakdown during the month of February, along with an additional $20 to a random Jack Pot Drawing winner. Come getche-some!
- 1-1-07
- The United States Table Soccer Association has recently adapted a few RULES CHANGES effective in 2007. The following rules changes will be initiated when applicable within the tournaments of the Southern Foosball Program beginning January 1st 2007.
*The serve is possession on the five-man rod, and at the middle player-figure where it can be placed by hand. Play shall begin immediately and time limits start one second after the ball touches the second player figure. Additionally, the ball can not be advanced until one full second after touching that second player-figure.
*A ball that goes off the table shall be put back into play in the goalie area of the team who did not cause the ball to go off the table. Cause would be defined as the team who caused the initial movement and force on the ball which ultimately results in the ball leaving the table and out of play.
*A out-of-reach dead stopped ball will be put back into play at the goalie area closest to where it went dead. A dead stopped ball between the five man rods shall be served by the team last scored upon.
*Purposely lofting or lobbing the ball over the opponents' rods will be illegal. Example: Aerial Shot.
*During multi-game matches, 90 seconds time limits will be allowed between games. Practice will be allowed during this time.
*A 3rd time-out shall result in loss of possession with the serve awarded to the opponent. Subsequent violations will result in a technical foul.
*During the "win-by-two" concept, games of a match will be played to five points, but during the final game of a match you must win by two points or up to a maximum of eight points. [RULES]
- 12-31-06
- Congratulations to the Alabama State Champions for 2006. It was a smaller than normal Alabama State tournament but was still filled with plenty of top-notch action and competition. Almost 40 players participated in the 19th annual tournament which featured 7 events during this 2006 New Years holiday weekend. Daniel Colter, a 14 year-old member of a group of players traveling here for the tournament from Mississippi, practically stole the show while he and his partner, Mike Flynn, won both the main doubles events, open doubles & under-pro doubles. Daniel also won the under-pro singles event and finished 2nd place in the open singles event. Personally for me, it was very refreshing to see Daniel playing foosball at the proficient level he has attained. My goodness, at his age, you'd expect to see him piled up in the corner somewhere playing the newest GameBoy Advance toy that Santa Claus had left him a week earlier.
On to other news, Atlanta's Mickey Munger was unable to defend his 2005 open doubles state title but was able to earn the 2006 title winning open singles. And finally during the Alabama-Amateur portion of the tournament local player Mike Perry won singles while Chris Twilley won doubles teamed with Derek Pendergrass.
It was a fun tournament and I'd like to thank all that participated. Until next time, I hope all have a great new year, ...Rodney Jenkins. Complete results are listed at: [ALstate-06]
- 12-17-06
- Rodney - We've finally got foosball back in Mobile. We just got started this past Thursday night. If you know any foosers headed this way, please pass the word. Thanks!
The Whiskey, located at 4130-B Government Blvd., Mobile, Alabama. Tournaments on Thursday nights starting at 8pm--please be early. ...Jay
For more information contact: www.MobileFoos.com
- 12-3-06
- The 19th annual Alabama State Championships of foosball is scheduled for the last weekend of this year December 29th - 31st. All are invited to participate in the competition for another chance at a niche in our Alabama foosball history. The titles up for grab this year include: the always competitive open doubles(main event) and open singles, along with the under-pro doubles and singles events. We expect players from many areas of the state, as well as, a few from surrounding states to be in town for these and other specialty events to be featured during the weekend. The tournament value will exceed $2,000 this year and will provide for a weekend of foos-fun for all who participate. Please note: Alabama State participating players will be required to support the tournament by entering the "main event(open doubles)" before becoming eligible for most of the events of the tournament including the special Ala-Amateur events.
- 12-3-06
- Here's some Hotel information for the Cullman area.......
Cullman Days Inn - 1841 4th St. SW, Cullman, Alabama United States 35055 PHONE: 256-739-3800; Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites - 2052 Hayes Drive, PHONE: 256-736-1906 OR 1-866-270-5110; Comfort Inn Cullman - 5917 SR 157 N.w., PHONE: 256-734-1240; Sleep Inn , Inn & Suites - 2050 Karen Lane, PHONE: 256-734-6166; Best Western Fairwinds Inn - 1917 Commerce Avenue, PHONE: 256-737-5009; Hampton Inn Cullman - 6100 Highway 157, PHONE: 256-739-4444; Econo Lodge Cullman - 1655 County Road 437, PHONE: 256-734-2691; Super 8 Motel - 6349 Alabama Highway 157, PHONE: 256-734-8854. .....kewlbeans dale
- 11-15-06
- We're Back! The Cullman Bowling Center is now re-open after the fire damage repair project. The foosball tables are now located in the area near the snack bar. The weekly tournaments are on--check the schedule. ...Rodney
- 11-4-06
I'm troubled greatly to pass along the following news: A dear person among our foosball family has passed away, Tony Gamso had a massive heart attack and passed away at his home on Thursday November 2nd. Tony's wife apparently came home from work to find him dead. Tony was a great guy and I will miss him tremendously as will all of us within the foosball community of which he was a major part.My deepest condolences are extended to his family and friends,
Rodney Jenkins
Since distributing this news, I've had many-many responding emails and phone calls from people within the foosball community extending their condolences as well.