~2020 ALABAMA~
March 30th 2020 The Alabama Foosball Program of events will be shut down during this COVID-19 pandemic. Stay safe during this crazy time.
February 29th 2020 $1,000 Bama "Bad Boy" Showdown ... Fri. & Saturday at 6 Pockets Bar & Billiards in Decatur,AL. [RESULTS]
February 1st 2020 $250 Added! North Alabama Open ... Fri. & Saturday at 6 Pockets Bar & Billiards in Decatur,AL. [RESULTS]
3-9-20 Madison Foos-Monday (Spot'DYP)
- 1st ...Nick Peterson & John Smith/ 2-Rodney Jenkins & Cheryl Lowe/ 3- Jeremy Monroe & James Porter
3-2-20 Madison Foos-Monday (Spot'DYP) - 1st ...Jeremy Monroe & Nick Peterson/ 2-Rodney Jenkins & David Burnett/ 3-Dale Moore & Joe Marshall
2-29-20 $1,000 Bama "Bad Boy" Showdown .....Jim Wiggs & Nick Peterson will share the "Bad Boy" title
- Friday Open Singles(7 teams)
1st ...Jim Wiggs/ 2-Nick Peterson/ 3-Charlie Belcher/ 4-Al Widok
Open Draw(6 teams)
1st ...Eric Newton & Nick Peterson/ 2-Jeremy Monroe & Stephen Darby/ 3-David Bagwell & Lee Blanton/ 4-Charlie Belcher & Al Widok
Open Doubles(6 teams)
1st ...Jim Wiggs & Jeremy Monroe/ 2-David Bagwell & Jerry Stewart/ 3-Nick Peterson & Dale Moore/ 4-Stephen Darby & Al Widok -
2-26-20 Decatur Foos-Wednesday (Spot'DYP)
- 1st ...Dale Moore & Jeremy Monroe/ 2-Nick Peterson & Stephen Darby/ 3-Al Widok & David Burnett
2-24-20 Madison Foos-Monday (Spot'DYP)
- 1st ...Chuck Shikle & David Burnett/ 2-Nick Peterson & John Smith/ 3-Jeremy Monroe & Joe Marshall
2-21-20 Decatur Foos-Friday (Spot'BYP)
- 1st ... Stephen Darby & Cheryl Lowe/ 2- Nick Peterson & Jerry Stewart/ 3-Dale Moore & Al Widok
2-17-20 Madison Foos-Monday (Spot'DYP)
- 1st ...James Porter & John Smith/ 2-Stephen Darby & David Burnett/ 3-Dale Moore & Dale Oberhausen
2-12-20 $50 Added! Decatur Foos-Wednesday (Spot'DYP) - 1st ...Nick Peterson & Lee Blanton/ 2-Al Widok & Jerry Stewart/ 3-Jeremy Monroe & Cheryl Lowe
2-10-20 Madison Foos-Monday (Spot'DYP)
- 1st ...James Porter & Joe Marshall/ 2-Dale Moore & Jeremy Monroe/ 3-David Burnett & Jon Martin
2-7-20 Decatur Foos-Friday (Spot'BYP)
- 1st ...Stephen Darby & Jeremy Monroe/ 2-Nick Peterson & Al Widok/ 3-Jerry Stewart & Cheryl Lowe
2-3-20 Madison Foos-Monday (Spot'DYP)
- 1st ...Jeremy Monroe & Jon Martin/ 2-Chuck Shikle & David Burnett/ 3-John Smith & Joe Marshall
2-1-20 $250 Added! North Alabama Open/in Decatur
- Friday Open Singles(5 teams)
1st ...Rodney Jenkins/ 2-Chris Forsyth/ 3-Jerry Stewart/ 4-Stephen Darby
Open Draw(9 teams)
1st ...Al Widok & Nick Peterson/ 2-Steve Dodgen & David Burnett/ 3-Jeremy Monroe & Jim Wiggs/ 4-Stephen Darby & Dale Moore
Open Doubles(9 teams)
1st ...Rodney Jenkins & Jerry Stewart/ 2-Nick Peterson & Chris Forsyth/ 3-Jeremy Monroe & Jim Wiggs/ 4-Steve Dodgen & Ken Williams -
1-27-20 Madison Foos-Monday (Spot'DYP)
- 1st ...Dale Moore & Jerry Stewart/ 2-Chuck Shikle & James Porter/ 3-Jeremy Monroe & Cheryl Lowe
1-20-20 Madison Foos-Monday (Spot'DYP)
- 1st ...Rodney Jenkins & Jeremy Monroe/ 2-Nick Peterson & Cheryl Lowe/ 3-Chuck Shikle & Jon Martin
1-17-20 Decatur Foos-Friday (Spot'BYP)
- 1st ...Nick Peterson & Jerry Stewart/ 2-Rodney Jenkins & Stephen Darby/ 3-Dale Moore & Al Widok/ 4-Joe Marshall & David Burnett
1-13-20 Madison Foos-Monday (Spot'DYP)
- 1st ...Jerry Stewart-Iron Man/ 2-Jeremy Monroe & Cheryl Lowe/ 3-Stephen Darby & John Smith
1-10-20 Decatur Foos-Friday (Spot'BYP)
- 1st ...Rodney Jenkins & Jerry Stewart/ 2-Nick Peterson & Jeremy Monroe/ 3-Dale Moore & Al Widok/ 4-Stephen Darby & David Bagwell
1-6-20 Madison Foos-Monday (Spot'DYP)
- 1st ...Rodney Jenkins & Nick Peterson/ 2-Dale Moore & Cheryl Lowe/ 3-Chuck Shikle & James Porter
See additional results at [2019-AL]
545......Nick Peterson
510......Jeremy Monroe
455......Jerry Stewart
345......Rodney Jenkins
310......Jim Wiggs
120......Dale Moore
115......Stephen Darby
110......David Burnett
100......Chris Forsyth
80........James Porter
80........John Smith
80........Chuck Shikle
75........Eric Newton
55........Al Widok
50........Steve Dodgen
50........Lee Blanton
50........Cheryl Lowe
40........Jon Martin
40........Joe Marshall
30........David Bagwell
10........Charlie Belcher
(For the period Beginning in January 2020 through December 2020)
- 12-19-2020
- As has been the case in many areas, COVID-19 situations have halted foosball tournament action in Tennessee and in Georgia. Here in North Alabama, local foosball players have teamed with "6 Pockets Bar & Billiards" and have invited foosball players for tournament action coordinated here in Decatur, Alabama. Jeremy Monroe volunteered his time and effort setting up and coordinating foosball events on Saturday December 12th 2020. As a result, locals together with some players from Georgia created a 14 team participating fun-time foosball tournament. On that day, players enjoyed participating in DYP and BYP foosball tournament action. Please see information and also keep up with Jeremy's future tournament efforts at his newly created North Alabama Foosball group on Facebook where plans for another tournament in Decatur is already set in place for Saturday January 9. Additionally, Jeremy is in process of getting set up for live streaming of foosball matches on his Group as well. I hope all will visit and participate at: "North Alabama Foosball" on Facebook.
- 9-1-2020
- Ala_Foos w/COVID update]... Players have began getting together privately for random small-group foosball practice/play, communicating about it via the foosball text groups and Facebook Messenger announcements. If you are interested potentially participating just let me know and I can have you added to their messaging groups. ...Rodney Jenkins
- 5-5-2020
- I have sad news to share: a long-time foosball player, Jeff Deskins, has passed away this May 5th--reportedly after suffering a heart attack at his home. Jeffery Deskins, of Jasper in North Alabama, was a participant in our Alabama Foosball Program events for many years sometimes regularly and sometimes occasionally. He loved to play foosball and was a very skilled player. He could smash a long pull shot as hard and accurate as anybody that I've ever seen play the game. He liked to move the ball around quickly on the five-roll before eventually delivering his unique passing series to his three-roll. While he mostly played the forward position, he was actually an excellent goalie as well. Of all the tournament events that he and I were ever teamed together, I'm pretty sure that we won every single one of them--most oftenly, it would be he that would score a crucial or winning point from a goalie shot he executed. I can remember these things because Jeff was the type that loved to keep you reminded of all his great performances whether it be with you or against you. When Jeff was regularly active playing foosball he was a tough foosball competitor, he and his most often teamed with partner and long-time friend, Jerry Stewart were tough to beat. Jeff was a great guy and one of those I loved to see show up to play, I will miss him tremendously as I know that all of you his friends will as well. My heart felt condolences are extended to all his friends and especially to his family. [IN MEMORY OF]
Rodney Jenkins
- 3-30-2020
- The Alabama Foosball Program of events will be shut down during this COVID-19 pandemic. Stay safe during this crazy time.
- 2-29-2020
- The $1,000 Bama "Bad Boy" Showdown This Decatur,Alabama foosball tournament was somewhat lightly participated due partially to the flu virus going around, but those players in attendance created an entertaining foosball playing battleground for the $1,110 cash and special title that was up for grabs.
Outstanding performances for the tournament by Jim Wiggs, of Springville,AL., and Nick Peterson, of Decatur,AL., while both will share the Bama "Bad Boy" title for this tournament. Jim Wiggs won 1st place finishes for both the open singles and the main event, open doubles. While with a solid finish for all three events, Nick Peterson captured a share of the "Bad Boy" along with a "protecting his turf nod" since it turns out that he was the only local-to-Decatur-player that participated the events. Nick Peterson and his partner, Eric Newton of the Atlanta,GA area, won the winners bracket of the open DYP which technically turned into the event final win due to an agreed split and no actual final match played. Nick also finished 3rd place in open doubles with Dale Moore and 2nd place in the open singles event. Nick was able to force a second match for the finals of open singles of which is the win that helped him capture a portion of the Bama "Bad Boy" cash and title. Congratulations to both players along with the others that helped them earn their wins. Complete results are included in the results portion of this page.
I had a great time at this tournament and had the pleasure of observing some great performances from several of our players here in North Alabama. It helped me realize just how far these guys have come recently with their ability to play foosball. I love hearing comments by the seasoned players that occasionally travel distantly to participate our tournaments "man, these guys are good!".
Thanks to all those participating the Alabama Foosball Program, and also a major thank you must be extended to "6 Pockets Bar & Billiards" for hosting the events and the outstanding support provided including the opportunity extended for foosball here in North Alabama. ...Rodney Jenkins
- 2-3-2020
The $250 Added! North Alabama Open foosball tournament this past weekend turned into a fun battle for portions of right at $750. For the "open draw" and "open doubles" events on Saturday, players from surrounding areas of North and Central Alabama showed up to participate along with a few of Georgia's top players creating some very exciting and fun matches during the evening. The top two finishing teams of the nine-team open draw tournament are shown in the photo to the right. The championship match was not played. Al Widok and Nick Peterson were undefeated for the event while Steve Dodgen and David Burnett were runner up. Jeremy Monroe and Jim Wiggs placed 3rd while Stephen Darby and Dale Moore were 4th.
For the main event, there were nine teams participating as well where Rodney Jenkins & Jerry Stewart won open double 1st place. Nick Peterson & Chris Forsyth landed at 2nd place and Jeremy Monroe & Jim Wiggs finishing 3rd. Steve Dodgen & Ken Williams finished 4th. Rodney Jenkins also captured the open singles win with Chris Forsyth at 2nd. Jerry Stewart was 3rd place and Stephen Darby 4th. Everyone did a great job helping keep the tournament matches running smoothly during the evening and we were able to finish the tournament probably a little past midnight. I had a great time seeing everyone and I thank you all very much for coming out for the event. Looking forward to the next, Rodney Jenkins.
See additional news at: [2019-news]
Direct your questions or comments to the Southern Foosball Program/Rodney Jenkins by email: Ala_Foos@yahoo.com.