Foosball tournament competition provides fun and excitement for those that enjoy competition. If you like to play foosball and if you are fortunate enough to have players and foos-events in your area, I encourage you to get involved in the foosball tournament program.
It is a top priority of our Program to help interested players learn and improve their skills playing foosball.
Foosball has been around for a long time and the skill level playing varies greatly. Foosball is a game of experience, the more a person plays the more skilled they become-- and the learning curve is steep. In the Programs' competitive ring of foosball players you will encounter players of varying skill levels, some have been playing this game for more than twenty years while others may have only been playing a short time. Usually, a new-comer is either fascinated or intimidated by a player with awesome skills playing foosball.
Just like almost anything else, the best way to learn is by jumping in and learn-by-doing, foosball is no exception. There are precise mechanics involved in the many different techniques used to advance the ball, whether it's a shot on goal, or a pass to another player figure. There are effective defensive techniques and practice drills for quickly improving ball control. How skilled a player is at the many different aspects of the game, is usually in direct relation to practice and experiences playing. Exposure to more experienced players is a proven quicker, and effective way to advance your level of play. Competing in draw-for-partner events is one of the best ways to learn more about foosball. While teamed with the "been there, done that!" type players, there's a great chance these players will show you things about foosball that could take you years to discover on your own.
The spot-in-advance tournament is believed to be an effective tool to improve players' competitive skills. The spot'advance tournament is designed to somewhat equalize the field of play, thus creating a more competitive event for all involved. It is a motivating and sometimes confidence builder for the lower rated players involved because it does increase their chances of winning, while also exposing them to a more competitive level of play by the more experienced players. The higher rated players are forced to play at their top level to overcome the spot requirements.
The Program uses the spot-in-advance event primarily for weekly practice events, in areas where the skill level varies greatly among the players that participate and in areas where players are interested in quality practice experiences that will help them during the more substantial and championship events. It is a popular event among the just-for-fun players also.
The spot-in-advance tournament is not designed to prohibit the higher skilled players from winning. It is a collective agreement by those involved that effectively creates a more competitive event where the higher rated players should win, but if they fail to play at their best level they may not win.
BEGinner = 0
D class = 0+
C class = 10+
B class = 20+
A class = 30+
AA class = 40+
AAA class = 50+
PROficient = 60
1 - 4 points difference requires forgoing the FIRST SERVE.
5 - 9 allows a one-time POINT DENIED during the match at opponents request.
10-14 requires scoring ONE POINT.
15-19 requires scoring ONE POINT & ~FIRST SERVE.
20-29 requires scoring ONE POINT & ~POINT DENIED.
30-39 requires scoring TWO POINTS.
40-44 requires scoring TWO POINTS & ~FIRST SERVE.
45-49 requires scoring TWO POINTS & ~POINT DENIED.
50-59 requires scoring THREE POINTS.
60-69 requires scoring THREE POINTS & ~FIRST SERVE.
70-& up requires scoring THREE POINTS & ~POINT DENIED.
An example of how the spot-in-advance procedure is calculated:
Let's say, the two players pictured above are teamed together. James Porter is listed in the Class-Point Rating System as A/4, while Ryan McGowan is C/2. Base points for "A class players" is 30 points. Plus the 4 that accompanies his class listing makes his individual team points 34. Ryans individual team points is 12, since base points for "C class" is 10 and he is listed with a 2. Together they have 46 points.
Let's say, they are to compete against Steve Dodgen & Ken Williams. Steve is AAA/5 while Ken is A/9. Base points for "AAA class" is 50/ plus 5; therefore, Steves' individual rating is 55. When added to Kens' rating of 39, their team points is 94. The difference between the two team points (94 - 46) is 48 points.
48 points on the spot-in-advance scale: {requires scoring TWO POINTS & ~POINT DENIED} which requires Steve & Ken to score two points, then swipe their score keeper. In order to win the game, Steve & Ken must then score an additional five points before James & Ryan can score the customary five points. The spot' also allows James & Ryan the opportunity to remove an additional point scored by Steve & Ken, but only once during the match as is previously described.
Go to the Class Point Ratings page to see players that regularily participate in the Programs' events listed with their class rating. A players ratings is always subject to immediate adjustment, but only by an officially appointed tournament director for the Program.
The Open Spot-Advance is a "bring your partner- or not" tournament with the spot-in-advance procedures implemented. Players may enter with a partner of choice, or players may compete without a partner--which is referred to as a "Singles Team". In the case where a player is competing as a "Singles Team", the "team rating" is determined with additional points equal to half the players class base points being combined with the individual's already calculated individual point rating. This creates the team rating needed for the spot' procedure calculation process that determines the possible spot advantage involved when the "singles team" competes against a "doubles team".
In order for a "Singles Team" to be able to claim the full portion of any prize earned during the tournament, the "Singles Team" must have paid, in advance, the team entry. In other words, a "Singles Team" player must pay the team entry fee which would be double the entry that a player of a "doubles team" has paid in order to be eligible for 100% of whatever prize awarded according to the final finish in the tournament. Note: A "Singles Team" player will be allowed to compete without fulfilling the double-entry-fee requirement if so desired, but will then be eligible for only half the applicable award as deemed according to the finish. In this case, the other half of the prize would be re-distributed accordingly, and as if that amount had been added to the total tournament prize. It is necessary and very important that the "singles team" player makes the declaration of which intent prior to competition's start.
Direct your questions or comments to the Southern Foosball Program/Rodney Jenkins at (256) 734-6349, or by email: